El Manati DRNA Puerto Rico.pdf
El Manati de Puerto Rico.pdf
Programa de Rescate de Mamiferos Marinos DRNA Puerto Rico.pdf
Population estimates of Antillean manatees in Puerto Rico an analytical framework for aerial surveys.pdf
Variacion en la distribucion del manati antillano en la costa sur de Puerto Rico.pdf
CESCO-134 Informacion sobre Tablilla Especial del Estuario de la Bahia de San Juan.pdf
Plan de manejo regional para el manati antillano 1995.pdf
West Indian Manatees in the Wider Caribbean Region.pdf
Guide to the Ecological Systems of Puerto Rico.pdf
Revista Ambiental Marejada Mamiferos Indefensos Varados en la Falta de Informacion.pdf
Summary of reported data by country for extant manatee populations.pdf
New Technologies for Monitoring Marine Mammal Health.pdf
Science Summary in Support of Manatee Protection Area Design in Puerto Rico.pdf
Summary of West Indian Manatee Tracking by USGS-FISC Sirenia Project in Puerto Rico.pdf
Puerto Rico and Florida manatees represent genetically distinct groups.pdf
Plan de manejo santuario de flora y fauna de la Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta.pdf
Population genetics and conservation of the Florida manatee past present and future.pdf
From sharks in seagrass to manatees in mangroves we have found large marine species in some surprising places.pdf
Ley 257 de 16 de diciembre de 2011.pdf
Ley 127 del 31 de octubre de 2013.pdf
Ley 430 de Navegacion y Seguridad Acuatica de Puerto Rico.pdf
Reglamento 6979 para la inscripcion la navegacion y la seguridad acuatica en PR.pdf
Animales amenazados y en peligro de extincion en el Caribe.pdf
Revision de los programas de manejo y conservacion de manaties antillanos en Colombia, Florida y Puerto Rico.pdf
Plan de manejo y conservacion del manati antillano trichechus manatus.pdf
Proposed Reintroduction of the Antillean Manatee in the Grand Cul de Sac Marin Bay Guadeloupe.pdf
Regional management plan for the West Indian Manatee.pdf
Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act.pdf
Analisis comparativo de los patrones de actividad del manati antillano en dos zonas de la Costa Atlantica de Guatemala.pdf
Plan Manejo SMM Bancos de la Plata y la Navidad.pdf
Primera estimacion de la abundancia del manati antillano en el sistema del rio San Pedro.pdf
West Indian Manatee Trichechus manatus in South America Distribution, Ecology and Health Assessment.pdf
Viabilidad de la poblacion y el habitat del manati.pdf
Programa de accion para la conservacion de la especie manati de las antillas.pdf
Plan Manejo SMM Bancos de la Plata y la Navidad.pdf
Diet of the Antillean Manatee Trichechus manatus manatus in Belize Central America.pdf
Elementos de la dieta del manati en tres sitios importantes para la especie en México y Belice.pdf
Aportes al conocimiento ecologico de una especie en peligro de extinción.pdf
Three Decades of Manatee Stranding Along the Brazilian Coast.pdf
Conservacion del manati en los humedales al norte de Chiapas.pdf
Blood Reference Intervals for Antillean Manatees from Puerto Rico.pdf
Baseline urinalysis results in 32 healthy Antillean manatees.pdf
Using the West Indian Manatee as a Mechanism for Invasive Aquatic Plant Management in Florida.pdf
Manatee Critical Habitat NOI August 2021.pdf
Biological Information on the West Indian Manatee.pdf
West Indian Manatees Multi-Species Recovery Plan for South Florida.pdf
Survival Blueprint Antillean Manatees Belize 2020.pdf
On the use of a Population Viability Mobel for the Antillean Manatee as an argument to downlist the West Indian Manatee.pdf
Sirenews Number 59 April 2013.pdf
Sirenews Number 67 April 2017.pdf
Elementos de la dieta del manati en tres sitios importantes para la especie en México y Belice.pdf
Diet of the manatees Trichechus manatus in Chetumal Bay Mexico 2009.pdf
The Antillean manatee produces broadband vocalizations with ultrasonic frequencies 2020.pdf
Potential effects of human pressure and habitat fragmentation on population viability of the Antillean manatee 2012.pdf
Seasonality of habitat use, mortality and reproduction of the Vulnerable Antillean manatee Trichechus manatus manatus in the Orinoco River 2009.pdf
Using craniometrical predictors to infer body size of Antillean manatees 2014.pdf
Interactions between calves of Amazonian manatees in Peru.pdf
Linking Use of Ship Channels by West Indian Manatees to Seasonal Migration and Habitat Use.pdf
PR Manatee Conservation Center.pdf
Reorganization of seagrass communities in a changing climate 2022.pdf
The Trophic Role of the Endangered Caribbean Manatee in an Estuary with low Abundance of Seagrass.pdf
World Animal Foundation Manatee Fact Sheet.pdf
Poster Manati DRNA.pdf
USWFS Endangered Antillean Manatee Information.pdf
Reclassification of the West Indian Manatee From Endangered to Threatened 2017.pdf
West Indian Manatee 5-Year Review Summary and Evaluation.pdf
FWS Downlisting Comment by Save the Manatee Club April 2016.pdf
West Indian Manatee Listing Petition 2022-11-21.pdf
Petition to List the Puerto Rico Population of Antillean Manatee as an Endangered Distinct Population Segment.pdf